Top's Top Shelf

If you know me, you probably know that one of the hardest things to give up when I went Gluten Free was beer. I love beer! I love talking about beer! I love going out to a really good bar that sells a gazzilion different types of microbrews and tasting that beer! I don't really know where this love came from, perhaps the fact that almost my entire family had worked for Budweiser at some point in their lives. Who knows? But, if you have a gluten intolerance you may be asking to yourself, "Self, why can't I partake in one of the world's greatest libations?" 

Traditionally, beer is made from malted barley or malted wheat. Since both of these ingredients contain gluten, people with gluten intolerance will likely experience an adverse reaction after drinking beer. So there is your answer. But what is the answer to my incredible dilemma on if I'll ever be able to drink what I consider to be nectar of the Gods? Luckily, I joined the gluten free movement on an upswing with almost one in five adults buying products that specifically aren’t made with wheat or related grains. None of this has been lost on beer makers; they’ve cooked up a variety of batches for the gluten-averse. I am on a mission to seek out these beers and taste test every single one, while offering my opinion on whether they are worth drinking and if they can compare to "real ale." (Note; this section will be updated every time I sample a new brew.)

Omission Pale Ale

Green's Amber Ale

Steadfast Golden Blond Ale

Glutenberg's Red Ale

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